Wednesday, April 27, 2011

36 Weeks---Owen is almost here!

Well, we have finally made it to the 9 month point! Yay! I went to the doctor on Monday and he said I do have cholestasis. I am still a little unclear about when I will be delivering, but it sounds like within the next two weeks! I can hardly believe it. I hope Owen decides to come on his own before then, so I won't have to be induced. I am still being monitored twice a week, so if anything should change I will definitely update the blog. I have been enjoying the last week and a half off of work. Been walking daily, visiting with friends, helping watch Mason, and taking it easy. I will actually be 37 weeks tomorrow, which means I am considered full term!

Something else to celebrate this week...Matt and my Mom's birthdays! Birthday season is in full swing for both of our families. Owen has plenty of chances to land on someones birthday! We went to dinner last Saturday at McClintock's to celebrate my Mom before Mike went back to work. As for Matt's birthday dinner...who knows we may be eating at the hospital cafeteria.


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Owen's Nursery

The nursery is complete and now we are patiently waiting for the little prince to arrive. I am officially off of work now and plan on spending the next few weeks catching up with friends, resting, and doing last minute cleaning. I hope you enjoy the pictures of the nursery. We are very happy with the way it turned out. Thank you to everyone who helped make Owen's nursery what it is. He is a lucky little guy!

Had to throw this one in too...he is so stinkin' cute!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Occupational Hazard---35 weeks

Well, I have made it to my last week of work...phew! Let me tell you it didn't get started off to well. On Tuesday I was working at Miller (Carol's school), when at the end of the day, out of no where, a soccer ball came flying and slammed me in the stomach. Needless to say, it knocked the wind right out of me! With that being said, you know what came next...tears! I was so scared for Owen. I went straight to Carol's office and she called the doctor for me. I immediately rushed to see him and was placed on the fetal monitor. In the meantime, Matt was conveniently driving out of town for a work meeting.

After being monitored and assured that everything looked good, I left. Still a little shaken, but much more comfortable. So the next day (Wednesday) was my actual doctors appointment, which Carol accompanied me too, since Matt was still out of town. Lying there with the fetal monitor strapped to my growing belly, I started to feel some discomfort. Carol asked me if he was moving a lot because she had noticed the change in his heart rate. I said I had some lower pressure, but assumed it must have just been his head. Come to find out I was actually having contractions and they were occuring quite regularly. Let me just say that text message definitely got Matt's attention. After being on the monitor for quite some time, the Doctor gave me a shot to stop the contractions. They quickly subsided and he checked a few other things (????) just to make sure labor wasn't around the corner. He also advised me what to do if I were to feel the contractions come back, since it still isn't the ideal time for Owen to be delivered.

I came home feeling grateful that Carol was there with me, but feeling sad and lonely to not have Matt near me. I prayed for his safe return and hopefully not for a midnight trip to the ER. Well...we made it through the night and I felt good today. So we are back on schedule for our appointment next week. I will keep you posted and will also post the new 3D's that Esther spoiled Carol and I with! Owen was not shy this time, but he still loves his hands by his face (sounds like dad already)!

Monday, April 4, 2011

33 weeks---Owen's Nursery

Grandpa Lambert and Matt have been working very hard to prepare our house for Owen. Thank you so much Mom and Mike for all of your hard work on the weekends. Whether you are working in the garage, painting, organizing closets, and baby clothes or just hanging out, we appreciate all the time. This is what Owen's nursery looks like prior to organizing any of our shower gifts. This is an organized mess. Since I took this picture we have definitely made progress. We both are hard at work over the weekend still organizing. I will post his new pictures as soon as the nursery is totally completed. I can't wait to see the finished product...I love it already. I have a hard time not looking in there when I walk by. Every morning I go in to open the blinds and I smile. I can't wait to say "Good Morning" to Owen! Two sentences to describe how I was feeling hear...It was 92 degrees in Santa Maria! Two days later it was 60 degrees!