Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Story of Christmas

It wasn't snowing, just the hay in the air!
The three wisemen presenting Jesus with the gifts.
Joseph, Mary, and their son Jesus!
Baby Jesus!
Owen and cousin Paul, who was showing Owen the ropes. He was Jesus last year.

For the last 25 years the Adam family has been reading the story of Christmas. Each year family members, extended family, and friends join together in Billy and Gigi's barn to hear the story and watch the reenactment. All of the kids in the family and even sometimes the adults (if a space needs filling) participate. Hot cider and popcorn are served while the music books are being passed around. The crowd fills in and sit on bales of hay which have been stacked like a stadium. The children are changed into their costumers, which have been collected an hand sewn by Gigi over the years. The animals are also prepped for the performance. They include sheep, goats, chickens, a camel (not a real one), and even a dog.

Matt took me to see this display the first year we started dating. I have been forever telling my family and friends about how neat I think it is. First, it is great to see all of these family members together and embracing the holiday season. Second, it really reminds you why we celebrate Christmas. And last, to see the smile or frowns on the kids faces is priceless.

So this year Owen got to play the part of baby Jesus. Each year the youngest baby gets to play the part, so it is a pretty big deal. Matt was very skeptical about how Owen would behave. He didn't think Owen would last a second in the manger, but low and behold, he did a wonderful job!

After the performance is over everyone loads into Billy and Gigi's house and enjoys a spaghetti dinner. Followed by a visit from Santa Claus for the kids. It is a great time full of laughter and smiles. I hope the tradition continues to live on. Merry Christmas to all!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Owen Matthew---Month 7

Hanging with sissy before bed.
Lil' Cowboy
Sitting by the fire with sissy!
Owen's first Christmas jammies!

Stud Muffin!

-Weighs 20.4 pounds, height 28 inches.
-Sits up pretty good by himself.
-No longer enjoys getting in his car seat or having his clothes changed.
-Likes to suck on his lips and make noises with his mouth. We hear a lot of, "UMMMMMMM..."
-Pulled the letter "D" off of the computer. I didn't realize how often I used the letter "D" until it wasn't there any more.
-Scratches the back of his head, which is really cute.
-Still will not sleep through the night, but has been making it until about 4 a.m. without a bottle. We have pretty much figured out that he cannot go longer than 8 hours without eating. I just wish the 8 hours was the same 8 hours I want to sleep.
-Mommy attempted a hair trim above the ears and snipped the top of Owen's ear! No tears from Owen, but I cried.
-Loves trips to Target sitting in the cart and observing EVERYTHING! Dad says he is very nosey.
-Has been getting great report cards home from day care. Very independent there now.
-Owen really wants to crawl, he moves from place to place on his belly, but gets upset after a while.
-He is now eating 3 square meals a day, and does not like peas!
-Doesn't care much about the Christmas tree, but has been staring at the presents.

Like I say in every post the time just keeps on flying by. Every day is a new adventure for us. Today I was taking a shower and Owen was sitting in his bouncy seat like he has every day since he was born, but today when I pulled back the shower curtain to check on him, he was completely sitting up! So scary if he would have fell forward, even though he was strapped in. I guess from here on out he is confined to his crib or bumbo during shower time. It is the little things like this that show how much he is changing every day!

He loves more than ever to help his dad do chores. Especially lately since we SOLD our house! We have been having lots of inspections so we have had to really tidy things up both inside an outside of our house. No decision yet as to what our next move is. We may rent or bunk in with the Mahoneys for a while. Either way our goal is to save enough money to buy a home where are family will live for a long time. It is really a bitter sweet feeling. We love our home! It is going to be so hard to leave it with all of its charm, but we know the next step will put us in a better, bigger place. Escrow is supposed to close the end of January or first of February and we haven't packed a box. Just making sure everything pans out first before we load up.

Owen also went to see the Pediatric Opthamologist this week and he said it is in fact a clogged tear duct, but is hoping it will clear up before his first birthday. If not, a small surgical procedure will have to be done, but let's hope not. Until then all we can do is make sure to keep it clean.

What we are working on for month 8:
-Sitting up confidently
-Sleeping through the night
-Using a sippy cup

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Dear Family and Friends,

This year has definitely been the highlight of our lives. Owen has been the biggest blessing! We were listening to Christmas music the other day and the lyrics said, “the closest thing to heaven is a child.” Wow, it couldn’t be truer! Owen is the best gift we could ever receive. Every day he is changing and growing and we are trying so hard to absorb every moment of it.

This year has also blessed us with great health and another new nephew, Mason. We are having so much fun spending time watching Owen and all of his cousins grow up together.

Matt received a promotion this year with Kendall Jackson Family Wines and is now the Vineyard Manager at Cambria Vineyards…cheers! As for myself, I couldn’t have a better job. I am teaching second grade Language Arts three hours a day. It is the best job I could ask for while watching Owen grow through his first year.

The first seven months of Owen’s life have flown by, but we try our hardest to keep recent pictures and stories updated on our blog. Please check frequently or stop by our house if you ever feel like popping in for a visit!

Almost forgot to mention our first born, Lucy…she is “pawing” her new brother perfectly. She loves Owen at this stage and she will really love him once he can start feeding her! I will have to say their love is mutual and neither one of them can get enough of the other.

We hope you have a wonderful holiday season and blessed New Year!

Love always,

Matt, Ashley, Owen, and Lucy

*I know many of you already received this via mail, but for those of you who did not...enjoy!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Happy Halloween!

The big cuz crew

Woof, woof...
Ava and Mason
Lil' cuz crew

Sweet pup

The night before Halloween we had a "cousin's open house.". The point of it was to get Owen together with all of his cousin's. We don't get to see them very often, so I thought this would be a great way to spend a Sunday evening. We feasted on chili and apple cider.

The following night we met up with the other set of cousin's and took a lot of pictures at Nana's house. It was great seeing all of the kids together. We are hoping for many more of these gatherings!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

6 MONTHS---Our baby is getting so big!

Swinging away in Avila
Fell asleep in his high chair! Look at those yummy prunes on his lips!
Loves the beach and watching his sis play!
"Look at me mommy!"
New sheriff in town!

Our little man is really growing up and becoming his own person. For me this is so sad! I just want to keep him the way he is forever. He definitely has had a lot of changes this month. Every day Matt calls to check on Owen he asks, "who do we have today, Owen James or Owen Matthew?" Owen James is feisty (just like mommy) and Owen Matthew is sweet and patient (just like daddy). Matt and I both prefer Owen Matthew, but Owen James can be a riot too. Especially, when he wants to talk back to us. We having these "babble" matches where he talks, then we talk, and on, and on, and on.

Owen continues to explore new things this month. He discovered his ears early this month and pulled on them for a short bit, but got over that quickly. Still loves his stinky feet in his mouth! Is infatuated with his sister, Lucy! Lucy has been very patient allowing Owen to poke and prod her every chance he gets. The "sand man" has become his new friend and visits him when he is tired. Owen has also discovered pulling on mommy and daddy's noses and face. Also, loves to grab my hair (especially when he is tired). This drives me crazy!

I used to be able to talk on the phone, hold the remote control, or type on the computer while holding him, but not anymore. Mister Owen wants to EXPLORE! He still loves his exersaucer and loves to "take care of business" in it!---Thanks Uncle Bob and Aunt Marilee!

Owen has become a really good napper! He really enjoys taking his morning nap, which can be a bummer for me when I have to wake him up to go to daycare. But other times it works out great if I get him down early enough. He is now sleeping in his crib (most of the time). Which helps me sleep better, but I still wake up several times a night checking the monitor. Unfortunately, Owen is still not sleeping through the night. We have tried letting him cry it out and it works, but only for a short time. We have finally made it through the night without feeding him, but with the time change, he is waking up at 5 a.m.!!!

We are really looking forward to spending our first holiday season with Owen. It is going to be so much fun! I can hardly wait to see what he thinks of all the lights.

-Currently weighs 18 lbs, 2 ounces (60%) and measures 27.8 inches (87%).
-Rolls over from back to tummy and sometimes from tummy to back.
-Can sit up for a few QUICK seconds.
-Is eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
-Loves to stand on his legs. Who knows he may walk before he crawls!
-Totally giggles now, but mostly only at mommy being silly.
-Loves to go to the horse races with his daddy. Owen is the newest horse jockey for Jackson Family Enterprises!
-Continues to have a blocked tear duct, but is going to see a Pediatric Opthamologist in December.
-Had his first skin reaction to Huggies diapers...Doctor diagnosed it as a yeast infection, but once I changed the diapers the rash went away...hmmmm!
-Also had his first "kiss." That's right a girl named Lily in the nursery tagged him. Owen's teacher, Miss Angie, who was also my preschool teacher, witnessed it. She said Owen was so embarrassed and when Lily went in for second kiss, he turned his head. So sweet! I also caught Miss Lily kissing another man later that week. Little does she know, Owen is a one woman man. His woman is ME!

What we are working on for month 7:
-Sitting up, confidently!
-Sleeping through the night!!!!!!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Bette Midler- Wind Beneath My Wings - Lyrics

Not goodbye---just see you later.

On September 10, 2011, this world said "see you later" to a beauiful girl. Delaney Patricia Lemus joined the angels that day. We will never know the pain that she suffered, but what we do know is, she is now with her Savior. Laney is smiling down upon us all and saying, "cowgirls don't cry..."

Early that morning Owen and I were laying in bed talking on the phone to my sister, Ami. We were discussing the unbelievable thunderstorm that we experienced in the early morning hours. Ami had to called to check on Owen and I because she knew Matt had left for work very early that morning (3:00 am). Without either of us mentioning we were both wondering if the weather was some sort of a "sign." Within minutes I received the most devastating news from my mother-in-law, Carol. She had shared the news of Laney's passing. I looked down at my miracle that very moment and realized that every breath God gives us is a gift!

Not a day goes by that we don't think about Laney and the BLESSINGS in our life. We are praying for her family and hope that each passing day finds some sort of relief for them!

So Laney this is for you:

"Cowgirl don't cry...ride, baby, ride! Lessons in life show us all in time. Too soon God will let you know why. If you fall get right back up on. The Good Lord calls everybody home. Cowgirl don't cry"

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

5 months!!!

Mommy and Owen at Disneyland! He loved breakfast with the characters (pretty much the only event we made).
Precious! By the way, this was not staged!

"It's a pirates life for me."

This is how I found Owen in his crib one day before his bath. I guess he can roll over after all.

My sweet boy!

The "whole" family!

Chick magnets at Avila Barn!

"Ummmm one said it was supposed to taste like this." (Owen's first taste of cereal).


-Currently weighs 17 pounds, 4 ounces and measures 26 inches long.
-Eats 6 ounces about every 3 hours. We are now trying cereal and oatmeal for breakfast and dinner. He seems to like it somewhat. Tonight we tried sweet potatoes for the first was a hit.
-Owen decided to change his sleeping schedule and no longer sleeps through the night. It is pretty much a fact that I wake up between 1 am and 3 am every night for a quick feeding. Still can't resist this boy when he smiles at me in the middle of the night. It melts my heart...seriously!
-Goes to day care 3 days a week and spends the other 2 days with Grandma and Grandpa Lambert.
-Laughs when you tell him his feet stink?!?!?
-Loves to play in his exersaucer.
-Fell in love with his "sissy," Lucy and his feet!
-Still has a blocked tear duct and a crooked butt crack! (Laney loved this :(...miss her so much!)

What we are working on for month 6: rolling over, giggling, sitting up, and sleeping in his crib (if Matt will let me leave him in there).

I will have to say month 5 has been totally amazing! He is so much fun right now. I could not love this boy anymore.

This month Owen's "teachers" said he has really become more independent, thanks to having his cousin Mason to depend on at "school." It is said that Owen and Mason feed off of each other's cries at school. Uh oh, do we hear trouble in the future?!?! Soon there will be 4 cousins/friends at day care...Owen, Mason, James Taylor, and soon...McKayla Gustafson. Watch out Marian Children's Center!

Harvest has been pretty slow for Matt this year. With this crazy weather, the crop has produced low yields this year. Fortunately, I have had some extra hands at home, which has been great for Owen and I.

Owen and I made our first attempt at Disneyland! Let's just say he has a few more years before he is able to enjoy it (and mom too). The best part of the trip was Owen spending time with his cousin's Ellie and Levi. We went to celebrate Ellie's 3rd birthday! Such a sweetheart! We finally made our first ride around 8:00 pm and Owen was sound asleep in the front pack. The second best part of the trip...meeting up with my best friend Ally and her son Karter! It was great to see the boys together again!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

4 months!!!

10 days old!
Just chillin'

Practicing in the Bumbo

Like my boots?

Flying with dad!

- Weighs 14 pounds, 14 ounces, 25.3 inches long! Owen has doubled on the percentile chart since he was born! I guess formula isn't to bad after all!
-Currently eats 5-6 ounces every 3 hours.
-Sleeps through the it!
-Has his first common cold! Not so fun. We spent the entire Labor Day weekend in the house!
-Rolls over on his side from his back. We are working on a complete roll over soon.
-Can fully support his head, which let me tell you is 73% on the percentile chart.
-Working on giggling, but gives only mom and dad a little laugh.
-"Talks" a whole lot more.
-Grasps and plays with toys/rattles.
-Goes to day care 2 days a week and Grandma watches him the other 3.
-Loves to be talked to and likes to play peekaboo!
-Still doesn't LOVE his baths!

We honestly cannot believe how fast our big man is growing. Matt swears by the time he gets home every day, Owen is bigger. I just look at him and think, "what's next?" I really try to cherish every moment with him because it goes by way too fast!

Owen is doing really good at day care, but me on the other hand, still having a hard time leaving him. I love my job though! It works out perfect that it is only a little more than 3 hours. It is just enough time for the both of us to be away from each other.

Matt is in full swing with harvest! Tonight marks his first night of "night harvest!" This means he will be leaving the house around 1:00 a.m. and returning home for a nap and back at it again some time in the morning. Harvest usually goes by fast for us, but we will see what it is like this year with a baby. I am sure Matt is really going to miss Owen. We will make sure to send him lots of pictures and take him some scrumptious lunches or dinners (Taco Bell---his favorite comfort food!).

P.S. We still have not drank the champagne! I see it every time I open the refrigerator. Once harvest is over we will be taking off for the weekend and staying out of town. I assure the champagne will be in hand!

Prayers, Prayers, Prayers!

Please take a moment to pray for Matt's dear cousin Laney. She is continuing to battle cancer! We know with the power of prayer, she can be relieved of her pain. This picture of Laney with her sister's and dad is so precious to me. This photo was taken at our wedding during the father-daughter dance and it really catches her spirit (Laney is the blond facing the camera). She has the most beautiful smile and as Matt would say, "pretty eyes." We love her so much and are praying for her and her every day! We love you Laney girl!

Also, please pray for my Grandma. She was admitted to the hospital today for back pain. She fell out of bed yesterday and has been in excrutiating pain. We love our Nana and hope she is back to her fiesty self soon. Not sure what her diagnoses is yet, but the doctor believes she may have a herniated disc. We will know more tomorrow after she has an MRI. Love you so much Nana...stay strong!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

More pictures from July and August

Happy 1st Birthday Levi!
Silly Masie!


Mason's first swim!

Hanging out with mom!

Mr. Owen---3 Months

Preparing for Fantasy Football
3 Month picture with Lucy
Buddies: Tanner, Owen, Karter
Lunch in the vineyard
Tummy time

-Current weight as of Aug. 1st, 12 pounds, 8 ounces, 24 inches (these are my own measurements and he was fully clothed when I weighed him).
-Eats 5 1/4 ounces every 3 hours and SLEEPS THROUGH THE NIGHT!
-Has discovered his hands and loves to suck on them.
-Smiles a whole lot more and loves to be talked to.
-Developing a much stronger neck and is working on being able to hold his head up.
-Doesn't "love" tummy time, but has to do it.
-Has started turning over on his side in his pack and play and when napping on the couch.
-When he cries it sounds like he is saying, "momma, momma!"
-Still having some difficulty going "poopy" regularly.

Month 3 has been a great experience with Owen! He is such a fun loving and sweet little boy. He has definitely developed his own personality. This month we have been trying new things with him like going swimming for the first time and spending more time in the water when taking a bath. I really want him to get used to the water and enjoy his bath time. So far, he is hanging in there.

Month 3 is a little hard for me because I am going back to work on the 15th, which means I am going to be missing Owen. Thankfully, my mom will be watching him Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, and the other 2 days he is going to Marian's Children's Center. He will be going to "school" with Mason and I know he is going to love it (I am trying to convince myself). It makes it easier sending him there knowing that his lead teacher was also my preschool teacher. I will be returning to work at Battles as a teacher tutor. I am so lucky because this year I will be teaching my own 2nd grade, Language Arts group. I will be working a total of 3 hours and 15 minutes a day, which is just enough time for my little man to be away from me. I am looking forward to my new job and I know it will bring better opportunities to our family in the future.

Matt and I celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary on August 1st. We celebrated by going to dinner at Rosa's, while Grandma and Grandpa Mahoney watched Owen (thank you!). It is nice knowing you can get away for a little bit and know that your child is in good hands. With that being said, we received a very nice bottle of champagne for our wedding, which we still have not drank. So I put in the refrigerator 2 weeks ago thinking that we would have drank it by now, but it is still there! Someone told me champagne is like white wine, you don't want to wait to long to drink it. So hopefully, we will try it this weekend. I guess you can tell we aren't big champagne drinkers!

Matt is crazy busy at work and preparing for harvest! He is battling a huge mildew issue, which has blanketed the whole central coast. Every day he comes home and tells me about it. To make matters worse, we have not seen sunlight till about noon each day. Becoming vineyard manager with out and assistant is not the easiest job in the world, but I know he will make it work! Owen and I are really going to miss him when harvest starts!

Stay tuned for more updates!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Owen's Nicknames

Just a few of Owen's nicknames he has been called over the last 11 weeks!

Cowboy "O"
De-la hoy, hoy
Senor de-la hoy, hoy
Fart maestro (politically correct...toot maestro)Mister
Man cub or Man tub
Fuss bus
De-la fuss fuss
Hoy, hoy
Cheery "O"
Bugsy...Bugsy Segal

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Summer Fun!

Sleeping his shots away!

Chillin' with dad and sister!

I am officially a Mom!

"Hey Cuz, you wanna race?"

"My paci is bigger than your paci!"

I'm a Cowboy Baby!

Mason..."Where can I get some corn dogs?"

Just to see you smile...

"Hey ladies...!"