Sunday, November 28, 2010

15 Weeks and counting!

Last Friday, Matt and I headed out of town to visit our friends Nick, Clare, and Elle in San Francisco. On our way out, we stopped in San Luis for our first perinatologist appointment. We were hoping to find out the sex of the baby, but unfortunately, our little one had its legs all tucked up. We got a wonderful picture of the babies hand (five fingers...yay!) and were also reassured by the doctor that everything looked great.

So off in the car we headed North. We had to make a few pit stops along the way...of course lunch, followed by some shopping at the Gilroy outlets. When we finally arrived at Nick and Clare's we quickly headed out the door to meet up with Nick at the Golden State Warriors game. Friday was followed by shopping, eating, more eating, and more eating. Sunday we headed to Candlestick Park to meet up with Eric and watch the 49ers play. Unfortunately, they lost, but it was still a great time.

Thank you Nick and Clare for all of the great tickets and entertainment. We can't wait to come back. I almost forgot to mention the chicken tetrazzini...who could forget! Yummy!

Following our already busy weekend away we hit the road early Monday morning and drove to Tahoe. I had never been there before and I definitely can't wait to go back. We met Matt's family there and spent two days hanging out with them and staying warm. Tahoe probably received at least 8 feet of snow while we were there, so we pretty much stayed inside most of the time.

Finally, we made our way home on Wednesday...9 hours in the car makes for a really long day. But we were home safe for Thanksgiving and had a very relaxing day at my mom's house. The only thing missing was...Big Daddy! We missed you Mike.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Baby Mahoney 12 weeks

This is our first 3D ultrasound. "It" really looks like an alien! We were so happy to see that it finally has limbs and not stubs. At our 12 week appointment we actually had two ultrasounds. During the first one, the baby was moving its hands up and down. We both said it is going to be like both of its grandmas...talks with its hands! During the second ultrasound, the baby must have had hiccups because it was jumping up and down. Matt was so surprised because he thought they just slept in there for 10 months. You would think with a jumping bean inside of you, you would feel something, right? Anyway, we go to see the perinatologist this Friday and I will be 14 weeks at that point. We are hoping we will find out then the sex of our baby. Any bets out there? At week 13 the only mentionable symptoms are: bloody noses, some interesting food cravings (mostly diner food), still no ambition to cook, ACNE (my favorite), and less fatigue. We will keep you posted after our 14 week appointment.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Ami's Shower!

Last Saturday was my sister's shower. We had such a great time and good company. It was nice to see old friends and spend the day with them. Ami got so many gifts, it was truly amazing. The weather couldn't have been more cooperative. We filed into my mom's house like sardines and prayed the rain didn't come until after the shower was over. Well, we nailed soon the last gift was brought inside to Ami, the rain began.

After several weeks of planning, the day finally came to an end. We pulled it together after everyone was gone and began the clean-up process. Let's just say being 12 weeks pregnant at the time, I was thoroughly exhausted for the next two days. Thank you everyone for all of your hard work, time, and gifts.

We can hardly wait for the next 8 weeks to pass so we can meet the lil' man...Mason!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Baby Mahoney-9 weeks

It's Official!

Matt and I are expecting our first child! We can hardly wait to find out the gender. Hopefully, by the beginning of December we will know. I will be 12 weeks this Thursday and we go for our second appointment on Wednesday. Thankfully, for both Matt and I, I managed to get through the first 11 weeks without any morning sickness! I guess I am one lucky girl. Here is what I have experienced in the last 11 weeks:

-Horrible back pain the last 2 weeks. I am hoping it is not my sciatic nerve!
-Going to the restroom sometimes 3 times in the middle of the night.
-Growing pains...literally, I can feel things growing.
-And a few other non-mentionables!!!

We officially knew our lives changed last Friday when we went to dinner at Coco's and had a 20 minute wait. Shortly after, we found ourselves in a cozy booth at IHOP. I was quite content with my grilled cheese, onion rings, and pickle. I also failed to mention I ate half of Matt's pancakes! Oops! I swear I didn't finish everything on my plate, but it sure did taste great. Sounds like I better slow down and begin an exercise regimen.

The other fantastic thing about this pregnancy is I get to experience it with my sister (31 weeks), Ally (26 weeks), and Ashley (24 weeks). It has been great talking to them and exchanging aches, pains, and laughs. I can hardly wait for this Saturday when we will all be together for Ami's shower! Pictures soon to follow! Stay up to date on our new blog!

-Ashley and Matt-