I can hardly believe we are only 4 months away from our due date! The time has gone by so fast. I can't wait to meet the little man moving around inside of me. I look forward to every move he makes. Unfortunately, at this 6 month period I am starting to experience a bit of discomfort. I have been battling indigestion at night, but worst of all...itchy skin! My whole body itches so bad. Some days are better/worse than others. Last night was probably one of the worst. I scratched my feet so hard that they stung when I took a shower. I go to the doctor on Tuesday so hopefully he can offer me something to make it better. I have been doing research on the internet (mistake), which says it is normal due to increased estrogen, but it also says there is a rare liver condition that could occur. Since I do have a history of liver malfunction, I am a bit concerned. Now comes the hardest part...practice what you preach. If you itch it, it is only going to make it worse. So, my goal today is NO ITCHING!
We are starting to prepare for our little guy and have started purchasing the nursery essentials. Thanks to his Grandma & Grandpa Mahoney and Grandma & Grandpa Lambert, he has a new crib and dresser awaiting assembly. We also bought the nursery bedding and a few other things to hang on the walls. I can hardly wait to start putting it all together. In other words...I can hardly wait to watch Matt put it all together! Stay tuned!
Ashley it has been so neat to watch you grow into a little new Mom to be. You look so cute with your little belly. I know the itching has been terrible for you, but atleast you never had any morning sickness. Not sure which is worse. Ownen's nursury is going to be darling can't wait to start putting it together. We need to get Grandpa Lambert over there to help Matt start assembling that furniture because it will be here before we know it. Can't wait another blessing from God.