Tuesday, November 2, 2010

It's Official!

Matt and I are expecting our first child! We can hardly wait to find out the gender. Hopefully, by the beginning of December we will know. I will be 12 weeks this Thursday and we go for our second appointment on Wednesday. Thankfully, for both Matt and I, I managed to get through the first 11 weeks without any morning sickness! I guess I am one lucky girl. Here is what I have experienced in the last 11 weeks:

-Horrible back pain the last 2 weeks. I am hoping it is not my sciatic nerve!
-Going to the restroom sometimes 3 times in the middle of the night.
-Growing pains...literally, I can feel things growing.
-And a few other non-mentionables!!!

We officially knew our lives changed last Friday when we went to dinner at Coco's and had a 20 minute wait. Shortly after, we found ourselves in a cozy booth at IHOP. I was quite content with my grilled cheese, onion rings, and pickle. I also failed to mention I ate half of Matt's pancakes! Oops! I swear I didn't finish everything on my plate, but it sure did taste great. Sounds like I better slow down and begin an exercise regimen.

The other fantastic thing about this pregnancy is I get to experience it with my sister (31 weeks), Ally (26 weeks), and Ashley (24 weeks). It has been great talking to them and exchanging aches, pains, and laughs. I can hardly wait for this Saturday when we will all be together for Ami's shower! Pictures soon to follow! Stay up to date on our new blog!

-Ashley and Matt-


  1. Congratulations!!!!! This is so exciting! Get ready. It's an exciting, crazy adventure.

  2. OMG! I still am in shock over the fact that you two are having a little Mahoney on the way! I am, however, so incredibly happy for the both of you! I am so excited for this adventure that you both are beginning with the little button! Ashley and Matt I have grown up with you guys for years....literally years! I couldn't be happier for the both of you and I can't wait till he/she is born! Now names...I was thinking "Shiloh" if it's a girl! lol!

    I love you both very much and CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

